What is Retirement Living Plus (Extra Care)?
Our Retirement Living Plus developments (Extra Care Housing) enable our homeowners to live independent and healthy lives, in their own home with flexible care and support available on-site 24 hours a day.
Apartments can be occupied by people aged 70 or over and are provided for outright sale, although the average age of homeowners upon purchase is 83.
24-hour care and support
Care and support is provided by YourLife Management Services, our care and management company, created in 2010 as a joint venture with the highly regarded and long established care provider – The Somerset Care Group.
YourLife is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England and its equivalent bodies in Scotland and Wales.
A team of up to 17 staff members is based on-site with a presence 24 hours a day. Our qualified YourLife care professions offer around-the-clock, flexible personal care and support packages, tailored to the individual needs of homeowners, including;
- Help with dressing / undressing, washing, bathing and grooming
- Help with mobility problems
- Medication monitoring
- Assistance with rehabilitation and exercise programmes
- Domestic assistance (cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping etc.)
Designed to make life a little easier
Our developments are carefully designed with the needs of older homeowners in mind, with step-free and wheelchair access throughout the building.
The apartments are all designed to be ‘care ready’ and are fully wheelchair accessible. They are built to generous internal space standards and incorporate features designed to help homeowners maintain their independence; such as 24 hour emergency call points, secure camera entry systems, accessible bathrooms, eye level ovens and cupboards, good lighting, and switches / electrical sockets at a raised height to reduce bending.
Stunning shared spaces and facilities
Along with the benefits of independent living within their own apartments, homeowners are able to enjoy activities in the shared spaces within the development.
These include a restaurant offering freshly prepared meals 365 days a year, cooked by a professional chef using local produce. There is also a function room, homeowners’ lounge, laundry room, mobility scooter charging room, and a guest suite for when friends and family come to stay. Some developments include health and wellbeing suites, hairdressing salons and hobby rooms.
Our developments also include landscaped outside spaces which enhance both the building and the local neighbourhood.