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The Consultation

Our Design

As with every McCarthy Stone development, a community feel is encouraged with communal spaces and a limited number of apartments, so that residents can get to know their neighbours.

Before designing any proposal, the team of architects spend time researching the architecture and character of the local area to ensure a sensitive design that is in keeping with its surroundings. The layout of this development has considered the site’s relationship with neighbouring properties, as well as the amenity and privacy of future residents.

Our proposals for the land have gone under an evolving design process, through consultation with officers at Lewes District Council.

The site is in a sustainable location and is a short walk to Seaford town centre. The regeneration of this site will help meet a strong local identified need for specialist retirement accommodation, as well as providing a new ground floor club facility for Seaford Constitutional Club.

The site will provide a 31 space parking court, including 3 disabled spaces, and an additional 5 spaces to serve the relocated constitutional club.

Attractively landscaped gardens will complement the site layout, optimizing existing trees and planting to enhance and strengthen site boundaries and natural screening. Additional planting will improve the overall look of the site.

We have carefully considered our design for the scheme, to breathe life into this unused site. Our proposals present a valuable opportunity to bring forward a specialist retirement community in this part of Seaford.

We have had the early engagement of a Heritage Consultant and Urban Designer who have helped shape the scheme.

We are preserving important views to the seafront and Martello Tower.

Indicative elevations of McCarthy Stone’s building

Enhancing your local area

Development Status:
