Our Purpose
Since building our first development in 1977, we have become the UK’s leading developer and manager of retirement communities. We have sold over 58,000 properties across 1,300 developments. We are focussed on developing beautiful, sustainable and more affordable places to live, with flexible services and choice of ownership options at the core of our developments, designed around the needs of our customers and their families.
We believe that retirement living is so much more than simply deciding to move into a new home that’s better suited to our customers’ needs. It’s also an opportunity for them to embrace a new way of life, to have the freedom to live a lifestyle with more choices and more time to do the things they enjoy.
Our considered approach means we are the only home builder to have gained the top rating in the Home Builders’ Federation’s Customer Satisfaction Survey every year since it was introduced in 2005. We are committed to ensuring that older people can continue to enjoy their independence safe in the knowledge that help and support is never far away.
As part of our commitment to local communities, we work closely with site neighbours and stakeholders to help ensure we prepare the best possible plans before we submit a planning application for a new scheme. This consultation website is part of our activity to engage local people in the design of our schemes, and we hope you find them helpful and informative.
Safety and support during the pandemic
Our retirement developments are unique, providing independent living within private apartments alongside flexible on-site community facilities and support. This means that our homeowners have been safer and more supported than if they had been living alone during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Our developments have adapted during the pandemic, to support our homeowners, tackling the need for PPE and supporting our most vulnerable residents by delivering home meals, shopping and providing crucial medical supplies. The specialist nature of our developments and our committed staff have meant that infection rates in our communities were 27% lower than the general over 65 population and four times lower than the over 85s.
What is Retirement Living
Retirement Living creates safe and secure environments for our homeowners to continue to live an active, independent life with oversight care provided by our management company, and via our emergency call system. Homeowners have their own front doors and privacy just as they did in their previous homes and they are free to join in community activities within the development or to pursue their own interests as they please.
Apartments can be occupied by people aged 60 or over and are provided for outright sale, as well as shared ownership, rent and part rent-part buy. The average age of residents upon purchase is 79, and the majority of homeowners moving into our developments already live in the local area.
All the independence, None of the worry
Having to maintain a large property can be a burden, especially for someone living on their own. That’s why every Retirement Living development has its own fully-trained House Manager – someone to manage the day-to-day running of the development and to be on hand during office hours. Our House Managers act as a ‘friendly neighbour’ and helps to arrange many of the social activities that take place in our developments.
We are experts in the experience of growing older, and constantly adapt our offering to the changing needs of our homeowners, with flexible on-site services, including electric car clubs in some of our developments. Customers also have a camera entry system linked to the TV in their apartment, and the peace of mind of having our 24-hour emergency call service available at the push of a button. Estate management and support services are provided by us – no third party is involved.
Friendship, Fun and Support
Later life is filled with possibility, and we believe there is vitality in togetherness that gives people purpose and a sense of fulfilment. Along with the benefits of independent living within their own apartments, homeowners are able to enjoy activities in the shared spaces within the development. These include a shared lounge and a guest suite for when friends and family come to stay. All of our developments also include beautifully landscaped outside spaces which enhance both the building and the local neighbourhood, as well as providing a social area for homeowners to come together which is, importantly, accessible to older people.
The shared spaces provided with our retirement communities help to combat loneliness in later life more effectively. A readymade supportive community is available for homeowners to access, whilst retaining their independence and involvement in the wider local area, as they choose. We make this a priority within our developments, ensuring that a range of social activities, events, organised outings and opportunities to make new friends are available to all its homeowners.