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The Consultation

Our Design

We have carefully considered our design for the scheme, to breathe life into the site. Our proposals have also undergone an evolving design process, through consultation with officers at South Downs National Park Authority.

Before designing any proposal, the team of architects spend time researching the landscape, architecture and character of the local area to ensure a sensitive design that is in keeping with its surroundings. The layout of this development has considered the site’s relationship with neighbouring properties, as well as the amenity and privacy of future residents.

McCarthy Stone, have a vision for the site which uses their very successful and sort after care village concept of assisted living apartments, chalets and bungalows, mixed to offer different ways and varying levels of independent living for ageing communities.

The successful model will fit the site well, with low volume and carefully considered dwellings. The concept offers shared communal facilities, such as eateries, lounges, physical activity areas and beautiful landscapes to be enjoyed and a community minibus for rides into town.

The approach recognises the site as a transitional site from generally open landscape/edge of countryside to a suburban estate with the challenge of creating a unique community that sits within this landscape.

The design will break up the scale and mass of buildings across the site, allowing semi-public green spaces to be located between buildings, which will draw the landscape into the heart of the site from the surrounding countryside.

The spaces between the dwellings create a variety of routes across the site for residents, which will encourage active and vibrant place-making. The gaps between the dwellings also allow views across the site along the length of Harrier Way, and provide a visual transition between the settlement and the countryside.

As with every McCarthy Stone development, a community feel is encouraged with communal spaces and a limited number of apartments, so that residents can get to know their neighbours.

Attractively landscaped gardens will complement the site layout, optimising existing trees and planting to enhance and strengthen site boundaries and natural screening. Additional planting will improve the overall look of the site and provide a more pleasant, greener outlook.

Artist’s impression of a typical shared landscape courtyard

Enhancing your local area

Development Status:
