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The Consultation


Vehicle access to the site will be located off ‘Ellerslie’ to the west of the site.

The proposals will also ensure that all car parking is self-contained onsite and will include disabled spaces and charging points for electric vehicles. There are 32 parking spaces proposed, including 3 disabled spaces, located to the south and south west of the site.

Retirement developments, by their very nature, are regarded as a passive form of development and generate low traffic movements when compared with general market housing. Residents moving to a McCarthy Stone development tend to rely less on their car, and from McCarthy Stone’s experience, many relinquish it altogether after a year or so when they realise that it is no longer essential to maintaining their independence.

Those residents who do own a car tend not to use a car in peak hours and residents do not need to use a car on a day-to-day basis due to the site’s sustainable location. The level of parking provision will therefore take account of the lower traffic generation and car ownership associated with age-restricted retirement development.

Pedestrian access is also proposed and located off both Milton Roads and Church Walk, north and east of the site respectively.

Proposed Site Layout


Enhancing your local area

Development Status:
