
Phone: 0800 298 7040

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The Consultation

Our Proposal

Our plans are for a new, vibrant, retirement community, providing choice for older people in the local area and comprise of:

  • A single ‘L’ shaped building of similar footprint to the existing, with the building height varying between 2 and four storeys with the highest ridge being approximately 14m, located in the middle of the scheme
  • A high-quality development featuring up to 56 apartments for private sale, part-rent part-buy and rental options, in a range of one and two bedroom units.
  • Tailored shared facilities within the building, including a communal lounge with a kitchenette and a hotel-style guest suite
  • A design that will be relatively traditional in from, taking inspiration from the local vernacular materials such as brickwork, render and clay tiles matching with local buildings
  • Flat roofs to be used to the South and East of the building to reduce massing to ensure the development remains sympathetic to neighbouring residents through maintaining reasonable distances and heights at site boundaries.
  • Parking for approximately 32 cars for homeowners, staff and visitors, including the provision of electric charging points and disabled bays.
  • Retention of the existing vehicle access off ‘Ellerslie’ to the west of the site, with pedestrian access also proposed off both Milton Road and Church Walk, north and east of the site respectively
  • Attractive landscaped outdoor spaces, including a communal garden, creating pleasant spaces for both residents and guests
Artist’s impression of McCarthy Stone’s proposals for Gravesend

Enhancing your local area

Development Status:
